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This is where Sakurako's illustrations for commissions are stored.

●About the request●
The basic commission is limited to supporters on PixivFANBOX.
Requests from people other than FANBOX supporters are accepted via Skeb or Pixiv requests.
(Commissions, Skeb, Pixiv requests, and other requests may be delayed depending on the event situation.)

●About the right to use commission illustrations●
It is strictly prohibited for anyone other than the client to use the illustrations posted here.
Each illustration can be edited and cropped freely only by the client who requested it.

●Regarding the right to use Sakurako characters●
Only when a client requests a Sakurako character, we can link to this site to prove that the illustration specified by the client is not an unauthorized reproduction of the character.

●link address :  ●simplified link address : 

Commission illustration storage area


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